Amazing benefits of carrot juice

Amazing benefits of carrot juice
Carrot is called apple of poor because nutrients are also the most expensive fruits, and the benefits of carrots and its juice are coming on the day. Interestingly, carrot juice adds to other fruit juices, increases their taste and utility. Before the benefits of carrot juice, know what important ingredients are found in it.

One cup carrot juice contains 94kg calorie nutrition, out of which 2.24 grams of protein, 0.35 grams of fat, 21.90 grams carbohydrates, 1.90 grams fiber, 689 mm potassium, 20 millimeters of vitamin C, 0.217 grams of thyme, 0.512 mm Grams vitamins B6, 2,256 micrograms, Vitamins A, 36.6 micrograms are found in addition to vitamins.

Carrot juice is nutritious, but it helps to prevent many diseases.

Acne Cancer
Carrot is full of antioxidants that are all aware of the ability to prevent cancer, a study suggests that carrot juice is helpful to keep away gastric cancer if the carrots are consumed continuously if the carcinogenic cancer possibilities are 26 Decreases by percentage.

Leukemia's procurement
A study has revealed that carrot juice plays an effective role in eliminating leukemia cells (cells). Often carrot juice destroys the cells of leukemia and prevents their spread, but further research is needed

Avoid breast cancer
Carrots contain large amounts of carotenoids that prevent breast cancer from attacking. In addition, scientists have already told that the number of carotenoids in blood will decrease, the risk of breast cancer is reduced. A small study was made that women were offered 8 oz carrots daily for three weeks. After that the blood of these women was found, their blood found that the number of cortonidies was high when symptoms of oxidation stress were low, which could cause cancer.

Useful in breath and lungs
Carrot juice is full of vitamins C, and it reduces the severity of chronic oxygen plumular disease (COPD) of a respiratory disease. In this case, more than 40 years of age in Korea were reviewed when people who had COPD's disease were reducing the use of potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, including carotene, and COPD patients who were eating the right amount of vitamin C were very low.

Other benefits
Vitamins available in carrots are very useful for the eyes. The fiber present in it reduces cholesterol in the blood and weighs weight.
